The five precepts
- Not killing: I undertake the training rule to abstain from killing.
- Not stealing: I undertake the training rule to abstain from taking what is not given.
- Not misusing sex: I undertake the training rule to avoid sexual misconduct.
- Not lying: I undertake the training rule to abstain from false speech.
- Not abusing intoxicants: I undertake the training rule to abstain from fermented drink that causes heedlessness.
The Ten Commandments
- You shall have no other gods before Me.
- You shall not make idols.
- You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
- Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
- Honor your father and your mother.
- You shall not murder.
- You shall not commit adultery.
- You shall not steal.
- You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
- You shall not covet.
–Deut 5:1–22
- God Exists: One Absolute OM. One Trinity: Brahma, Vishnu, Maheshwara (Shiva) Several divine forms
- All human beings are divine
- Unity of existence through love
- Religious harmony
- Knowledge of 3 Gs: Ganga (sacred river), Gita (sacred script), Gayatri (sacred mantra)
- Satya (Truth)
- Ahimsa (Non-violence)
- Brahmacharya (Celibacy, non-adultery)?
- Asteya (No desire to possess or steal)
- Aparighara (Non-corrupt)
- Shaucha (Cleanliness)
- Santosh (Contentment)
- Swadhyaya (Reading of scriptures)
- Tapas (Austerity, perseverance, penance)
- Ishwarpranidhan (Regular prayers)
“Surely Allah does not guide him aright who is a liar, ungrateful.”
– Surah az-Zumar 39:3
The Messenger of Allah surrounded by a group of his Companions on the night of the ‘Aqabah Pledge, said, “Give me your pledge of allegiance that you will not associate anything with Allah, that you will not steal, that you will not commit Zina (sexual intercourse outside marriage), that you will not kill your children, that you will not bring forth a slander you fabricate between your hands and feet, and that you will not disobey what is right. Whoever among you fulfills this (pledge), his reward is due from Allah. Whoever commits anything of this and is punished in this world, it shall be for him an expiation. And whoever commits anything of this and Allah shields him (i.e. covers his sin), his matter will rest with Allah: if He so wills, He will pardon him; and if He so wills, He will punish him.”
5 Pillars of Islam
- Shahadah: declaring there is no god except God, and Muhammad is God’s Messenger
- Salat: ritual prayer five times a day
- Zakat: giving 2.5% of one’s savings to the poor and needy
- Sawm: fasting and self-control during the blessed month of Ramadan
- Hajj: pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime if he/she is able to
Worship only God: Take not with Allah another object of worship; or thou (O man!) wilt sit in disgrace and destitution.
– Quran 17:22
Be kind, honourable and humble to one’s parents: Thy Lord hath decreed that ye worship none but Him, and that ye be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in thy life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honour.
– Quran 17:23
And, out of kindness, lower to them the wing of humility, and say: “My Lord! bestow on them thy Mercy even as they cherished me in childhood.”
– Quran 17:24
Be neither miserly nor wasteful in one’s expenditure: And render to the kindred their due rights, as (also) to those in want, and to the wayfarer: But squander not (your wealth) in the manner of a spendthrift.
– Quran 17:26
Verily spendthrifts are brothers of the Evil Ones; and the Evil One is to his Lord (himself) ungrateful.
– Quran 17:27
And even if thou hast to turn away from them in pursuit of the Mercy from thy Lord which thou dost expect, yet speak to them a word of easy kindness.
– Quran 17:28
Make not thy hand tied (like a niggard’s) to thy neck, nor stretch it forth to its utmost reach, so that thou become blameworthy and destitute.
– Quran 17:29
Do not engage in ‘mercy killings’ for fear of starvation: Kill not your children for fear of want: We shall provide sustenance for them as well as for you. Verily the killing of them is a great sin.
– Quran 17:31
Do not commit adultery: Nor come nigh to adultery: for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils).
– Quran 17:32
Do not kill unjustly: Nor take life – which Allah has made sacred – except for just cause. And if anyone is slain wrongfully, we have given his heir authority (to demand qisas or to forgive): but let him not exceed bounds in the matter of taking life; for he is helped (by the Law).
– Quran 17:33
Care for orphaned children: Come not nigh to the orphan’s property except to improve it, until he attains the age of full strength…
– Quran 17:34
Keep one’s promises: …fulfill (every) engagement [i.e. promise/covenant], for (every) engagement will be enquired into (on the Day of Reckoning).
– Quran 17:34
Be honest and fair in one’s interactions: Give full measure when ye measure, and weigh with a balance that is straight: that is the most fitting and the most advantageous in the final determination.
– Quran 17:35
Do not be arrogant in one’s claims or beliefs: And pursue not that of which thou hast no knowledge; for every act of hearing, or of seeing or of (feeling in) the heart will be enquired into (on the Day of Reckoning).
– Quran 17:36
Nor walk on the earth with insolence: for thou canst not rend the earth asunder, nor reach the mountains in height.
– Quran 17:37
This is a story related to the intention to be important in the next book, Quran Hadith.
Said, “If Muslims fight with a sword and two of the men killed each other dead all fall into hell fire.”
Let’s say that Muhammad, the Apostle, and asked people not falling into hell fire is dead, why friendships. Muhammad is the Apostle Said: “Because had the intention of killing people killed.”
Narrated Al-Ahnaf bin Qais: While I was going to help this man (‘Ali Ibn Abi Talib), Abu Bakra met me and asked, “Where are you going?” I replied, “I am going to help that person.” He said, “Go back for I have heard Allah’s Apostle saying, ‘When two muslims fight (meet) each other with their swords, both the murderer as well as the murdered will go to the hell-fire.’ I said, ‘O Allah’s Apostle! It is all right for the murderer but what about the murdered one?’ Allah’s Apostle replied, “He surely had the intention to kill his companion.”
– Hadith 1:30
Ten Commandments (Aseret HaDibrot)
You shall have no other Gods but me.
You shall not make for yourself any idol, nor bow down to it or worship it.
You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
You shall remember and keep the Sabbath day holy.
Respect your father and mother.
You must not kill.
You must not commit adultery.
You must not steal.
You must not give false evidence against your neighbor.
You must not be envious of your neighbor’s goods. You shall not be envious of his house nor his wife, nor anything that belongs to your neighbor.
Exodus 20:1-20:23